Sunday, January 27, 2008

Weather Watch and Touring Key West

Days 80-81 January 24-25

We traveled most of the day Thursday, arriving in Key West late afternoon. All of the race boats were returning to the Bight as we arrived, so we had no difficulty connecting with Bill Hooper. We enjoyed watching all of them rapidly back into their slips stern first. After our experience at Patuxent we decided, or rationalized, their boats were much lighter and easier to maneuver than DeLaMer.

Bill is watching the weather and planning on departing either early Saturday morning, or waiting for the approaching front to pass and leaving early Tuesday morning. So – we have at least one day to tour Key West. We’re staying on base at the Naval Air Station Visitor Quarters, very nice accommodations!

Friday we walked around Key West. The highlights of our day were: a swim in the ocean; visiting the southernmost point in the Continental US – where we waited in line with a dozen others to do the tourist thing – a Kodak moment; and the “Sunset Celebration” at Mallory Square. Every night hundreds of people gather at the square to be entertained by carnival performers and street vendors, drink, and watch the fabulous sunsets.

Bill called to say the approaching front will delay his departure until Tuesday morning. Darn – three more days in Key West! We immediately reserved space on the High Speed Ferry to the Dry Tortugas National Park, 70 miles west of Key West.

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