Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Thunderstorms in Norfolk

We are waiting for the weather to clear. We’ve had thunderstorms and rain most of the day. Since the entire Delaware Bay is under a small craft advisory, and there is a special NOAA hazardous weather warning for the Norfolk area, we decided to rent a car and tour museums on Thursday and Friday.

This morning Bob needed a part to finish installing the water filter. He asked the Marina staff if there was a hardware store nearby and was told there was one about a mile outside the front gate.

Out comes his trusty Port-Runner folding bicycle and off he goes. He came back with both the part -- and a story.

On his return, a Marine Security Patrol Car pulled alongside Bob on his Port-Runner. The scene went like this:

"Sir, may I see your I.D.?" (Very formal, no nonsense voice)
Bob shows his Military I.D and the guard salutes, military protocol for enlisted
men to salute officers.
"Sir, you can’t ride your bicycle on base without a helmet."
"Gee. I had no idea," Bob pleads innocence.
"Sir. It’s regulation. You can’t ride your bicycle on base without a helmet."
"O.K., I’ll walk the bike back to the marina."
Very well sir, have a good day."

Bob keeps attracting Navy Security! Such a renegade! We’ll pick up two helmets tomorrow while we have the car.


chockley said...

CRIKEY!! what a haircut! Very fetching AND practical too! Stay dry and see you soon. All the best, Dreamtime.

horsiesloan said...

And a good policy it is! We never bike without our helmets. Bert & Kit will be pleased that you are now using safe biking practices. Every time we see kids riding without helmets, (which is INCREDIBLY frequent at campgrounds) they always say,"What is wrong with their parents?" I love it!